
Vroom in the spo(r)t lights

Team Vroom shines during the Damloop by Night and Dam tot Dam FietsClassic. The weekend of September 21 and 22, 2024, was all about sportsmanship, camaraderie, and perseverance for Team Vroom during the Damloop by Night and the Dam tot Dam FietsClassic.

Saturday evening: Feel the energy

The weekend kicked off with a bang during the Damloop by Night, the running event known as the ultimate party for every runner. Enjoying the beats of DJs, live bands, and spectacular light shows, our colleagues Anne, Ronald, Niels, Corali, Stanley, Alex, Raymond, Robbert, and his daughter ran the 5 English miles through the atmospheric and illuminated Zaandam with big smiles. Along with 12,000 other runners, they felt the energy of the night, surrounded by cheers for 8 kilometers.

Sunday morning: Go Vroom!

After an active Saturday evening, cycling enthusiasts Peter, Marcel, Alex, Dick, and Anne were ready for the Dam tot Dam FietsClassic. Starting from the Dam in Amsterdam, accompanied by drums and a DJ in the IJ-tunnel, they began their journey through the beautiful North Holland landscape, full of motivation. Under a radiant sun, they enjoyed the late summer and rode their kilometers in Vroom colors. Along the way, there were two well-provided refreshment stations where participants recharged with bananas, muesli buns, and sports drinks. At two locations, they received extra encouragement: in Oosthuizen, Dick’s wife and neighbor were cheering enthusiastically, and in Edam, Peter’s wife and daughter loudly encouraged the group with homemade banners that read “Go Vroom.” After 110 kilometers, they returned to the Dam in Amsterdam, where the well-deserved medal rewarded them for this incredible achievement. The entire weekend was all about sportsmanship, team spirit, and perseverance.

Looking forward to next year!

The energy of this weekend lingers on, and we are already looking forward to the Dam tot Dam Loop and the Saxo Dam tot Dam FietsClassic 2025. We hope to be at the starting line with a large team again. See you then!

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