Vroom Betonbouw specialises in prefab foundation constructions and various pile systems. The advantages of prefab concrete work? Construction time on-site is significantly reduced. Less production personnel is required: two people and a mobile crane with an operator suffice for execution.

Furthermore, Vroom Betonbouw produces numerous pile systems that can be combined with the prefab foundation elements, creating optimal load-bearing capacity. Since Vroom takes care of the entire foundation, there is no need for coordination from the client between the components. Through services such as dimensioning, pile driving supervision and acoustic continuity testing, a comprehensive package is provided. Our work ceases at the top of the ground floor, which we can deliver finished.


The history of Vroom Funderingstechnieken, a leading family business that has been making its mark on the world of foundation technology for 60 years. From humble beginnings to the current state of technological innovation.


Vroom goes for sustainability

Investing in, and keeping up with developments related to ‘clean’ engines and reducing (diesel) emissions is not new. Vroom Funderingstechnieken is ahead of the curve, complying with standards and always following the latest state of technology.

Vroom goes for sustainability

Social support

At Vroom Funderingstechnieken, we strongly believe in creating positive impact and supporting initiatives and activities with a social function.

Social support
Vroom at a glance
Vroom Funderingstechnieken BV

Vroom Funderingstechnieken BV

With several locations in the Netherlands and over 60 years of experience, we are the specialist in foundation technology.

Vroom Funderingstechnieken BV specializes in offering, contracting, and carrying out a wide range of traditional and various in-situ formed pile systems.

  • Cast-in-situ piles
  • Low-vibration and low-noise piles
  • Precast driven piles
Vroom Betonbouw BV

Vroom Betonbouw BV

Vroom Betonbouw BV specifically focuses on projects where prefab foundation constructions or traditional concrete work up to and including the ground floor is an option: separately or as a follow-up to the production of foundation piles. The offering, accepting, dimensioning and positioning of prefab concrete elements for foundation constructions includes:

  • Foundation beams
  • Lay-down areas, lift shaft pits, cellars, foundation blocks
  • Ground floors
  • Traditional concrete work
Materieelbeheer Vroom BV

Materieelbeheer Vroom BV

Materieelbeheer Vroom BV facilitates the operating companies and manages the procurement, rental, transportation, maintenance, and inspections of the equipment. There is a wealth of knowledge and experience in-house in the design, repair, and maintenance of foundation machinery and accessories. For each project, the most suitable equipment can be chosen from a large arsenal of options.

Vroom International Piling BV

Vroom International Piling BV

Vroom International Piling BV is responsible for projects with an international character.

Beton- en Vlechtbedrijf Hadek BV

Beton- en Vlechtbedrijf Hadek BV

Hadek is located in Breukelen and specializes in rebar work for the concrete (steel) industry. Hadek mainly focuses on concrete construction, reinforcement work, basement construction, and foundation repair. Hadek has its own reinforcement centre for cutting, bending, and welding reinforcement steel according to the supplied construction and building drawings.

VDB Funderingstechnieken BV

VDB Funderingstechnieken BV

VDB Funderingstechnieken is based in De Meern, specializing in all types of foundation techniques and operating in the fields of infrastructure, civil engineering, petrochemicals, industry, renovation, foundation repair, new construction, and extensions.


The VCA certificate stands for Safety, Health, and Environment (SHE) Checklist Contractors and is issued for contracting and carrying out foundation work and related activities. Vroom Vetonbouw is in possession of the VCA** (two stars) certificate.

The VCA-certificate can be downloaded here.


The NEN-EN-ISO 9001 certificate provides an account of the production process, internal procedures, and the approach to various foundation systems from start to finish.

The ISO-certificate can be downloaded here.

Safety Culture Ladder

The Safety Culture Ladder (“de Veiligheidsladder”) is a tool to measure safety awareness, attitude, and behavior in companies, emphasizing safety culture. The SCL is designed to encourage companies and their suppliers to work safely on purpose. The higher the safety awareness in an organization, the higher the awarded ladder step.

The SCL-certificate can be downloaded here.

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