Lidl Supermarket

More and more often, Vroom Betonbouw takes care of the total foundation package: from groundwork, dimensioning and piling to all foundation elements in prefab concrete such as foundation beams, foundation blocks and ground-level floors. And for this particular project, also the walls and columns have been set up in prefab concrete.

To be constructed on the former site of transport company Groot, this project originally consisted of a new Lidl supermarket built under an apartment building. Initially, only the supermarket was realized. However, the entire construction is already meant for 91 apartments to be built on top of it. The apartments will not be built directly as this depends on the sales. The project is situated in between the old Philips factory and the water board. An excellent location overlooking Hoorn’s provincial road near the industrial park Hoorn ’80. The foundation rig could not be missed and because of this rig, quite a few nice responses came in during the execution of this project.

Vibro piles

The production process of the vibro piles was a complete mystery as the several diameters were located all-over the entire field. In order not to switch casings, the Vroom team invented a smart production sequence. On the drawing, every produced pile is being checked off to solve the mystery. After the piling process, the piles’ positions have been dimensioned and tested for continuity. The piles have been perfectly placed and therefore, no additional facilities were required. As the piles have been created from the existing ground level, the groundwork has been done until around 80 mm underneath the bottom of the foundation after the piling process.


The piles have been marked and cut at height for Vroom Betonbouw. The rebars have been drilled in to-size and the piles have subsequently been poured at height. The piles have been cut on two levels as the foundation blocks would be mounted underneath the rest of the foundation.

After the pile heads were cut, the dimensioning process was carried out again for the mounting process of the prefab foundation elements. First, a wooden picket was inserted and inside this picket was a nail indicating the actual set-out point.

Mounting process foundation and foundation blocks

The mounting process of the total foundation including matching foundation blocks was carried out in 1 day. The heaviest foundation block weighed 14 tons and had to be placed 60 m away. To realize this, a 300 ton crane was deployed. As the Vroom team was well organized, a fast mounting process was possible. During this process, all rebar positions have been checked so that the on-top construction mounted in a so-called ‘absorbing level’ position could be guaranteed.

Mounting columns and walls

In a later stage, the 19 walls and the 30 columns have been mounted.

Facts & numbers project 22972 & 53480

Project: Lidl and 91 apartments
Location Holenweg Hoorn
Contractor De Geus Bouw Broek op Langedijk
Client Lidl Nederland GMBH
Architect Stoks Architecten Hilversum
Constructor Bartels Veenendaal

Piling activities

Vibro piles
Number of piles: 171
Pile length: 20,2 m
Diameter: 356/508 mm

Prefab concrete construction

Foundation beams
Dimension (quantity)
400 x 600 mm (13,00 m)
450 x 600 mm (112,00 m)
500 x 600 mm (270,00 m)
750 x 600 mm (29,00 m)
850 x 600 mm (27,00 m) foundation blocks
2400 x 2400 x 1200 mm (19 foundation beams)
2400 x 600 x 1200 mm (2 foundation beams)
2400 x 800 x 1200 mm (3 foundation beams) columns
400 x 800 x 46800 mm 22 foundation beams
320 x 320 x 4680 mm 8 foundation beams walls
4770 x 250 mm (247 m2) Isolated hollow-core slab floors
1200 x 250 mm (2050 m2)

Lidl Supermarket
Lidl Supermarket
Lidl Supermarket
Lidl Supermarket
Lidl Supermarket
Lidl Supermarket

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We are happy to answer your questions! Would you like to know more about our projects, products and/or services? Please contact Sandro Pronk

Sandro Pronk

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28-03-2011 to 18-05-2011
De Geus (Appel Beton Opmeer)
De Geus Bouw te Broek op Langedijk
Dick Reijnders
Project Manager

Can we help you with your project?

We are happy to answer your questions! Would you like to know more about our projects, products and/or services? Please contact Sandro Pronk

Sandro Pronk

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