Leeghwater III project

What’s unique about the Leeghwater Project III in Middenbeemster is that Vroom Foundation Technology and Vroom Betonbouw complete each other and brought the total concept into practice. From the dimensioning process and the production process of the foundation piles to the set-up process of the prefab ground-level floors.

First, after Vroom Betonbouw has completed the application of the ground-level floors, the contractor has to act at the building site for the further completion of the homes. The activities in Middenbeemster are still ongoing. Simultaneously, the piling activities, the mounting process of the foundation beams and the application process of the floor elements take place.

The location on Rijperweg in Middenbeemster makes the execution of this project a home match for Vroom Foundation Technology in the adjacent municipality of Zeevang. The Leeghwater III plan consists of apartments, town houses, semi-detached homes and stand-alone homes. For a fair 90% of the homes offered, there is a buyer which is an achievement for this period of time.

Total Station

The dimensioning process of our activities was executed entirely by us. Vroom is by now owning a Total Station allowing us to measure every centimetre very precisely. For this project, this new addition has also been used to set out the pickets. For the prefab foundations and shed floors, all corner points and pattern lines have been set out. The dimensioning process of the floor elements has been marked on the prefab foundation beams for each home.

Piling stage 1
For piling stage 1, a Kobelco 7035 rig has been used. This part consists of apartments and town houses. The official start of the construction process was celebrated with a festive first-pile ceremony, the pile driven by the municipal executive. Invitees included the mayor and the other municipal executives, future residents, the contractor, constructor and architect.

Piling stage 2
The piling activities for stage 2 are being executed with a THW5021 rig. As the pile length in stage 1 was 21,75 m maximum, the longest piles now measure 16,75 m. Utmost precision is required for the prefab foundation which will be mounted on these piles short after the piling process.

Many prefab constructions

Vroom Betonbouw plays a great role in this project. Other than the prefab foundations and shed floors, ground-level floors will be mounted. The foundation elements have many different measurements.

This puzzle was solved by Vroom Betonbouw’s set-up teams. For two of the homes, the residents have opted for a prefab basements to be delivered and mounted by Vroom Betonbouw in between the prefab foundation beams. For the set-up process, Vroom will use its own CX500 mounting crane.

In order to complete the concept, the prefab foundation beams will be covered with floor elements. For the apartments, a hollow-core slap has been applied, for the other homes, a timber floor cassette suffices. The masonry work to be done by the contractor has to fit the floors exactly. Therefore, an accurate dimensioning process is of great importance.

Project information

Location Leeghwater III Middenbeemster
Project 12 apartments, 18 rental homes and 78 homes for sale
Client KBK Bouw B.V. Volendam

Activities stage 1 and 2
Dimensioning process included
Pile type prefab concrete piles
Number of piles 1319
Pile lengths 15,00 – 20,75 m and 11,75 -16,75 m
Square 220-250 mm and 180-250 mm

Prefab concrete construction
Foundation beams
Foundation beams: 3955 m
Dimensions:350×500 – 500×500 mm and 350×500 – 400×500 mm

Isolated floors
Timber floor cassette: 6650 m2
Hollow-core slab: 1055 m2

Number of basements: 2

Number of shed floors: 20

Leeghwater III project
Leeghwater III project
Leeghwater III project
Leeghwater III project
Leeghwater III project
Leeghwater III project
Leeghwater III project

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Sandro Pronk

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KBK Bouw
Dick Reijnders
Project Manager

Can we help you with your project?

We are happy to answer your questions! Would you like to know more about our projects, products and/or services? Please contact Sandro Pronk

Sandro Pronk

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