132 dwellings, Broeckgouw

132 Dwellings6000 m2 of floor space

As part of the gigantic Broeckgouw (phases 9 & 10) building plan in Volendam we are dimensioning the whole project for our principal, Appel Beton, and we have been asked to handle the formwork, pour the concrete and finish the ground floor surfaces. Koopmans Bouw will be in charge of completing this stage of the project plan.

It was high time to fly the Vroom drone and take a look at this large-scale project. What is so good about the photos is that it is easy to spot the difference between the various stages of the building blocks. For instance, in the first block only the piles are visible, whereas the other blocks have foundation elements and services in place. There are also blocks where the ground floor surfaces have already been assembled.

Freedom from gas

Each dwelling was designed to be gas-free. So none of the dwellings will be connected to the natural gas grid; instead they each have their own ground-source heat pump. A ground-source heat pump supplies low-temperature heating and hot tap water. The local authority opted for this system because it is a proven technology with a very high heat output. Ground-source heat pumps are also quiet and provide more even heat distribution. And an extra benefit is the opportunity for energy-efficient cooling in the summer.

132 dwellings, Broeckgouw
132 dwellings, Broeckgouw
132 dwellings, Broeckgouw
132 dwellings, Broeckgouw
132 dwellings, Broeckgouw
132 dwellings, Broeckgouw
132 dwellings, Broeckgouw
132 dwellings, Broeckgouw
132 dwellings, Broeckgouw
132 dwellings, Broeckgouw

Freedom from gas

Each dwelling was designed to be gas-free. So none of the dwellings will be connected to the natural gas grid; instead they each have their own ground-source heat pump. A ground-source heat pump supplies low-temperature heating and hot tap water. The local authority opted for this system because it is a proven technology with a very high heat output. Ground-source heat pumps are also quiet and provide more even heat distribution. And an extra benefit is the opportunity for energy-efficient cooling in the summer.

Can we help you with your project?

We are happy to answer your questions! Would you like to know more about our projects, products and/or services? Please contact Sandro Pronk

Sandro Pronk

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08-03-2019 to 15-04-2019
Gemeente Edam-Volendam
Koopmans Bouw
Dick Reijnders
Project Manager

Can we help you with your project?

We are happy to answer your questions! Would you like to know more about our projects, products and/or services? Please contact Sandro Pronk

Sandro Pronk

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