Vroom Betonbouw calculates, produces and assembles foundation beams. Building with foundation beams improves efficiency, speed of construction and the consistent quality of the end product. The pre-cast concrete elements have a KOMO-KIWA product test certificate. Vroom uses the structural engineer’s design as the basis for the foundation drawings. Then we make the calculations for the reinforcement that we incorporate in the drawings.
Pre-cast foundation beams are used in residential and non-residential projects and are particularly suitable for use over water, such as water-side dwellings and for temporary accommodation purposes, including schools and reception centres.
Precision dimensioning is needed to position the elements in exactly the right place. A wooden picket, incorporating a nail, is used in the dimensioning to indicate the measuring point. We drill a hole in the piles to be driven, into which we bond a bar using shrinkage-compensated grout. The piles are equipped with temporary cardboard formwork. The builder’s labourer marks the constructed height of the foundation beam using the laser. Then the labourer fills the formwork up to the mark with poured grout, which flows evenly over the surface. Two labourers and a mobile crane assemble the pre-cast foundation beams.