Cast-in-situ piles (20)

Precast foundation elements can be effectively combined with cast-in-situ piles, which are manufactured on the construction site by Vroom. These piles, which are produced on-site, are an ideal solution for projects. The piles have a short preparation time and need fewer logistics movements. On the production site, the piles can be adjusted in terms of length, concrete grade and quantity prior to production.

Vibro piles type HBF
Cast-in-situ piles

Vibro piles type HBF

Highly suitable for projects in residential construction, commercial construction, infrastructure, and the energy sector. Can be produced in large lengths and the delivery time is always short. Pre-drilling reduces pile-driving vibrations and a sound barrier during execution provides considerable noise reduction.
Vibro-SD piles
Cast-in-situ piles

Vibro-SD piles

These in-ground formed and soil-displacing piles can be applied under floors in industrial halls and under pile mats. The combination of the pile and floor can lead to an economical design. The vibro-SD piles are installed at a very high production rate.
DPA screw piles
Cast-in-situ piles, Low-vibration and low-noise piles

DPA screw piles

This is an in-ground formed and soil-displacing screw pile system, with limited excavated soil. The production is low-vibration and very well suited for foundations near adjacent structures that are sensitive to settlements and/or vibrations.
DPA-PLUS screw piles
Cast-in-situ piles, Low-vibration and low-noise piles

DPA-PLUS screw piles

An in-ground formed and soil-displacing screwed pile system. Soil is laterally displaced, with only the drilling tube containing excavated soil. The production is low-vibration and very well suited for foundations near adjacent structures that are sensitive to settlements and/or vibrations.
HEK screw piles
Cast-in-situ piles, Low-vibration and low-noise piles

HEK screw piles

An in-ground formed and fully soil-displacing pile system. Applied in projects where vibration-free and/or low-noise production is required for the surrounding environment. Suitable for foundations near adjacent properties and existing (residential) construction, which are sensitive to settlements and/or vibrations.
Concrete screw piles
Cast-in-situ piles, Low-vibration and low-noise piles

Concrete screw piles

Developed for projects on sandy soil and also applicable to other specific soil conditions. This pile system is non-soil-displacing and has a high production speed. The production is vibration-free and low-noise, making it suitable for foundations near adjacent structures.
Tubular screw piles
Cast-in-situ piles, Low-vibration and low-noise piles

Tubular screw piles

Developed for projects in a specific soil condition where full-length reinforcement is required. The pile system is non-displacing and has a high production speed. Production is vibration-free and low-noise, making it suitable for foundation work near neighboring structures.
Steel casing screw piles
Cast-in-situ piles, Low-vibration and low-noise piles

Steel casing screw piles

Special attention is given to vibration-free screwing of steel casing screw piles (with or without grout injection) and screw injection piles. Both pile systems are increasingly being used in combination with mini-foundation machines for renovations, extensions, and foundation repairs.
Driven steel casing piles
Cast-in-situ piles, Low-vibration and low-noise piles

Driven steel casing piles

Driven steel casing piles are in-ground formed (concrete) piles that are constructed from steel tube segments. This type of pile is often used for extensions, renovations and foundation repairs. The most common method is low-vibration driving into the tube. The vibration-free screwing, with or without grout, and screw injection piles are highlighted separately.
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