In recent years, Vroom Betonbouw and Vroom Funderingstechnieken have collaborated with Heembouw to realize various residential areas, where mutual cooperation and trust have led to excellent performances. Resulting in beautiful residential areas and satisfied customers.
Both companies place great value on strengthening their collaboration with partners, which has led to the next step. On June 4, 2024, Remy van Zanten, Director of Housing at Heembouw, and Niels Bakker, Operations Director at Vroom, signed a partner agreement in the presence of Wouter Wals and Jimmy van der Vaart from Heembouw and Sandro Pronk from Vroom Betonbouw. The aim of this partnership agreement is to leverage each other’s expertise and customer base on new projects.
We look forward to this next step in our cooperation.
A selection of projects that Vroom has carried out together with Heembouw:
34 houses in Westend in Roelofarendsveen, see here.
58 houses in de Marlot in Delft, see here.
De Hoven Toren 3 in Delft, see here.