The history of the Vroom family is deeply rooted in the Zeevang village of Middelie and dates back more than 100 years. The start of Vroom Funderingstechnieken is a logical continuation of the livestock farm of grandfather Cornelis Vroom, which by the end of the 1950s also began to engage in agricultural contract work.
A stormy start
The history of Vroom Funderingstechnieken begins on 1 January 1962 when Klaas Vroom starts his own business. His contracting company K.C. Vroom enters into an agreement with father Uncle Sjors. The continuity is expected to come from the pile-driving work. Every beginning is difficult, and it’s always a first time for everything.
Early innovation
Klaas learns quickly and is inventive. While most companies at that time were still using the traditional tripod setup, Vroom works quickly and efficiently thanks to mobile pile-driving rigs. This allows for faster work, and the equipment is easier to move around the construction site and from one excavation to another. In July 1962, the first Eckart (still without an extendable boom) is mounted on an old Bedford army truck, allowing Vroom to undertake ground and pile-driving work. The second Eckart does have an extendable boom. The first Eckart is traded in by Vroom in 1964 for a newer Eckart 200. In the same year, an O&K (Orestein & Koppel) is added. This is a six-wheel driven REO dump truck, supplied by the company Fleumer & Fraaij from Assendelft. A pile-driving installation is built on the dragline of type 152. The crane has a mast length of 15 meters and is supplied including dragline bucket, grab, and pile-driving eyes. In 1966, Vroom also purchases the first Priestman Tiger.

More work, personnel, and equipment
After Sjors Jr. completes his military service, he starts working with his brother Klaas, and the company name changes to “v.o.f. K.C. and S. Vroom”. The workload increases, and more pile-driving rigs are added. The number of employees grows. It’s a time of hard work with a lot of fun outside of work. During this period, Vroom acquires a Rapier, a Hoover MH20, and a Bavaria GH3300 on pneumatic tires. Each year, two to three Priestman Tiger rigs are added. In 1972, Meindert Vroom joins the management and the company name changes to “Gebr. Vroom”. The prefab concrete pile gains popularity during this period. All machinists return to school and after four years, everyone has a diploma. In 1975, Vroom joins the Dutch Association of Foundation Contractors NVAF.
Between 1965 and the early 1970s, Jan Fleur, director of the Zaanse Heionderneming, is an important client. Vroom receives a lot of pile-driving work, including at NDSM, for Poelenburg, in Peperstraat, and around the Cocoa Factory on the Zaan. The Zaanse Heionderneming mainly takes care of the larger pile-driving and water works and has two Dutch pile-driving rigs and a so-called pile-driving barge at its disposal. The smaller pile-driving work and projects where accessibility is difficult are given to Vroom. Deployed are the O&K on the Reo Truck and later the Priestman Tiger, the Bavaria GH3300, and a Rapier.

The three brothers find each other
From 1978, under the holding company, the operating companies emerge, Handelmaatschappij Vroom, Materieelbeheer Vroom, HBF is the commonly used abbreviation for the operating company in which the specialisms Hydro-, Drilling- and Foundation Techniques, each with their own specialism and future perspective, are manifested. All side activities come to an end. In the early 80s, Vroom faces a significant drop in turnover for the first time, going through a tough period. Vroom does everything to motivate employees and outlines the following future vision in its Christmas wish: “If we all go the extra mile, we do not have to give up anything as a group, you have that character, so make use of it, always stay ahead of others.”
Specialization takes shape
The first projects with vibro piles are realized by Vroom in the early 80s in Tiel and Arnhem. And the good contacts since the 70s between Vroom and fellow pile-driving company Piet van ’t Wout deepen in the 80s when Klaas Vroom and Piet van ’t Wout jointly commit to Hydro-, Drilling- and Foundation Techniques. Both pile-driving entrepreneurs know that HBF can bring about a shift in the traditional thinking of the construction world if the new techniques are qualitatively solid. In 1981, Vroom also starts its first drilling activities.

Specialization proves to be the right choice
Klaas Vroom predicts in the staff magazine that 1982 will be a year of cutbacks, austerity, and moderation. However, he emphasizes that the new year can also be one in which new and fresh ideas can breathe life.
Gebr. Vroom must make every effort to turn the tide. The industry association for the foundation market NVAF predicts that of every ten pile-driving rigs in our country, three will definitively cease operations. Vroom, however, manages to keep all its machines running and avoid forced layoffs.
In difficult times, the company makes the right decisions. Klaas focuses on new foundation techniques, and particularly the expectations regarding in-situ formed piles are promising, as indicated in his Christmas wish in 1982: “In the pile-driving business, we have not only tried to drive piles into the ground under supervision but also to form them in the ground. This new technique may enable us to survive in 1983.” As the recession lasts longer than expected, turnover in traditional foundation techniques continues to decline. At the same time, the introduction of new techniques requires large investments. Vroom drives an average of 40,000 wooden piles per year during that time and sees the market increasingly switching to prefab concrete piles. The first successes with screw piles in urban renewal projects are a fact, and other soil displacement piles are emerging.

The younger generation makes its appearance
From 1990, the new generation of Vroom joins the family business, five in total. In an unusual way, Klaas Vroom lets the young Vroom generation within the family familiarize themselves with the foundation industry practices. In the mud, behind the shovel, under the rig, or at the construction meeting. The new generation has to earn it themselves and gets nothing for free.
After the successful introduction of the in-situ formed vibro pile, it’s the turn of the DPA screw pile, an in-situ formed and soil-displacing concrete screw pile. Offering prefab foundation beams is a logical next step. And of course, Vroom likes to maintain a lead over other foundation companies.
The people of Vroom still form a close team. Klaas Vroom states that the incredible commitment of the pile drivers in traditional systems was primarily responsible for all the innovations being supported over the past years. Expanding the product range after 1991 remains his motto. He already sees the foundation from the sand layer up to floor height as a reality for the coming years. Environmental technical issues are given and receive more attention. Vroom will give free rein to the further development of more friendly pile-driving systems. The foreign market seems far away but is getting closer and is definitely worth exploring. Despite a shrinking construction market, Klaas Vroom has complete confidence in the future.
Continuing in the spirit of the founder
Shortly after the construction holiday in 1994, Klaas Vroom is admitted to the hospital. He dies at the age of 56. It’s a heavy blow for the family, and the loss also hits all employees hard, especially the generation of machinists and pile drivers from the first hour. Everyone knows the founder of the company as a man for whom no sea is too high. And Klaas was always there for everyone and has guided the company through all difficult periods. He has dedicated himself day and night to the survival of the family business and not least to keeping the group together.

Market leader in innovation
In the year 1995, Peter, Cajo, Randy, Jeroen, and René Vroom formally become the owners of the family business. Meindert and Sjors should not stand in the way of the young guard. After all, the successors are expected to further expand the company. After the takeover, the management consists of Sjors and Meindert, supplemented with Peter Vroom as commercial director. Peter focuses on commercial tasks and external relations during this transition period, thereby following in the footsteps of his father Klaas. The further elaboration of the succession and the date on which Sjors and Meindert officially want to retire can take place in peace.

Developments in engineering
In 2002, the construction sector faces a prolonged strike, and there is a slightly shrinking construction market. Therefore, Vroom expects the turnover to remain below the level of 2001. Nonetheless, Vroom looks forward with optimism, even in a less booming economy.
Woltman, Hitachi and Hillcon
The first Woltman 7528D foundation machine is commissioned by Vroom Funderingstechnieken and delivered at the beginning of 2007. The Hitachi GLS series provided a good starting point for capturing all sorts of technical drawings. The further construction offered Hillcon the opportunity to lay down the principles for future engineering developments in accordance with the applicable regulations and the CE standard.

Healthy entrepreneurship
In these years, a lot has changed in the foundation sector. For a long time, everything was clearly audible and certainly palpable. Due to changes in legislation and regulations, soundless and almost vibration-free foundation techniques have become standard options. “First, they didn’t want to hear us anymore, then they didn’t want to feel us anymore, and soon they won’t want to see us at all,” says Peter Vroom. In a changing market, the five successors of the founders see huge new opportunities. And Vroom seizes these opportunities: projects are accepted and executed in Belgium, Germany, Poland, and even Morocco.
2012: Vroom 50 years
In 2012, Peter Vroom does not hide his enthusiasm for the 50th anniversary of Vroom. In a powerful welcome speech on the floating event location Jules Verne, he emphasized that the entire staff was celebrating. He proudly looked back on the many acquisitions and praised the expertise, experience, and flexibility of the company. During the anniversary celebration, the new logo was officially unveiled. The end of the old logo with the barcode that had symbolized the pile-driving poles for years.
In 2012, Vroom ventured into Tangier (Morocco) for the foundation of new halls for Klaas Puul. Klaas Puul deals in shrimps that are bred and caught all over the world. The processing of these products is entirely in-house. To deliver to its customers as quickly and efficiently as possible, Klaas Puul has five locations in strategic locations. Naturally, as close as possible to the places where the shrimps are caught, processed, and eaten.

Recovery and further growth
A period of economic recovery and prosperity with year-on-year significant turnover growth for Vroom Funderingstechnieken. Vroom, like many other companies, continues to climb out of the valley of the financial crisis that deeply affected many sectors in the first decade of the 21st century.
Participation by Craft Capital
In 2021, Craft Capital is found willing to invest in the future of Vroom. Craft Capital is the investment company of the Roerink family, the founder of Zuivelhoeve and former owner of Heks’nkaas. Craft Capital invests in Dutch family businesses to create further value together. With Craft Capital’s participation in Vroom, the continuity of the family business Vroom is guaranteed. Craft Capital ensures that Vroom can continue to develop and grow by investing in new and innovative equipment as well as in the development and well-being of its employees. Vroom can thus further strengthen its important position in the Dutch foundation market. The added value of Craft Capital will mainly lie at the strategic level. On a daily operational basis, the Vroom family remains actively involved, both as co-shareholders and within the organization. Peter, Cajo, René, and Randy Vroom will remain operationally involved in their current role, and Jeroen Vroom will continue to be involved as an advisor at Vroom. The management becomes three-person and is formed by Peter Vroom, Theo van Putten, and Niels Bakker.

60th anniversary
To immortalize the rich history of the family business, we created a commemorative book in the run-up to our anniversary celebration on 9 and 10 September 2022. Not a traditional history book, but a distinctive book with stories from people who have shaped the company since its foundation in 1962. The founders, current and former employees, and suppliers tell their story, complemented with facts, figures, illustrated with impressive photos, and with a design that is one of a kind. The first copy of this unique 146-page chronicle was presented by our CEO Peter Vroom to the brothers Sjors and Meindert Vroom on 9 September 2022. After the anniversary celebration, all attendees received the commemorative book.
Anniversary celebration
On Thursday, 8 September, the Kromhouthal in Amsterdam North was transformed into a true party venue. Outside, two foundation machines were set up as landmarks. On Friday 9 and Saturday 10 September, we celebrated our 60th anniversary, with Friday for external relations and Saturday for the big anniversary party with our employees and their partners. One half of the 2300 M2 floor space inside was set up as an exhibition space: the newest shovel, a truck, a site hut, small materials and associated attributes, foundation beams, and photos on either side of the red carpet beautifully depicting the rich history of Vroom, with people as the theme, because Vroom is us together! The other half of the 140-meter long industrial hall was equipped with an eye-catching round bar with a diameter of over 5 meters, flowers, plants, atmospheric lighting, sound, stage, projection screen, and food stations. We thank everyone for these two fantastic and therefore unforgettable days.

Moving forward to the future
2023 was not an easy year. Projects that were commissioned did not start in the intended period, and quick filling in the short term with new projects was not always available. A situation we have not known since 2013. However, our resilience allows us to move along with the market. It is noticeable that we are increasingly being awarded contracts by foreign, internationally operating clients. These projects require a lot of preparation and also more organization during execution at the construction site. Fortunately, we also still have our regular Dutch clients, who award us foundation projects based on knowledge, capabilities, skill, and especially trust. The varying demand has asked for flexibility from the organization and from everyone as an individual. We are proud of everyone who has dealt with this well and with understanding.
Clean and Emission-Free Construction
2023 also saw the commissioning of our first fully battery-electric foundation machine, the Hillcon HSCX1500GLS-E. The electrification of the foundation machine leads to a significant reduction in CO2 emissions and the elimination of local emissions. Additionally, an electric motor is more efficient, has lower maintenance costs, and reduces noise pollution. In 2024, the second unit of the Hillcon HSCX1500GLS-E will be put into operation.
The construction industry must replace thousands of machines and tools to meet the requirements for clean construction sites. The industry will thus make a significant contribution to a clean and sustainable Netherlands. This is regulated in the roadmap for Clean and Emission-Free Construction (SEB). This roadmap consists of three ‘speeds’, three levels of emission requirements: the minimum level, the basic level, and the ambitious level. Vroom meets the investments and innovations often at the minimum level and usually also at the basic and ambitious levels.
Vroom acquires majority stake in Beton- en Vlechtbedrijf Hadek
In 2024, Vroom Holding acquired a majority stake in Beton- en Vlechtbedrijf Hadek. Through this acquisition, Vroom expands its services in the area of complete foundation constructions further and takes the next step in fulfilling its promise to increasingly relieve its customers by acting as an all-rounder in pile systems and (prefabricated) foundation constructions. The years of knowledge and experience in reinforcement works and concrete reinforcement techniques of Hadek, ensure a broadening of Vroom’s current product and service range in the area of traditional concrete work, the combination of wet concrete and prefabricated foundations and meeting the growing demand for foundation repair.
Vroom acquires majority stake in VDB Funderingstechnieken
In 2024, Vroom Holding acquired a majority stake in VDB Funderingstechnieken. The dynamic VDB operates in the fields of infrastructure, civil engineering, petrochemicals, industry, renovation, foundation repair, new construction, and extensions. The parties have been collaborating to mutual satisfaction on various foundation projects since 2021 and are now taking the next step. VDB’s growth ambitions align well with Vroom’s further expansion. With this strategic acquisition, Vroom further expands its services in the field of foundation constructions, taking another step in its commitment to increasingly relieve its customers as an all-rounder in pile systems and (prefabricated) foundation constructions. Vroom thus offers a complete range of load-bearing solutions.